
Aakar Patel

Aakar Patel is a writer and columnist. You can e-mail the author at

All stories by AAKAR PATEL

Who politicised deaths of farmers if not Modi?

Who politicised deaths of farmers if not Modi?

Rediff.com27 Apr 2015

Having made farmer suicides a campaign issue, Modi and the BJP should have no complaints in now having to live with it, says Aakar Patel.

A fundamentalist sounds more reasonable than the mainstream

A fundamentalist sounds more reasonable than the mainstream

Rediff.com20 Apr 2015

'Masarat Alam is today one of the the undisputed leaders of Kashmir's Islamists. And all he had to do was to get someone to hold up a flag. He has accurately placed us and we can look forward to many more years of this from him.'

Why cowardly encounters will never cease in India

Why cowardly encounters will never cease in India

Rediff.com13 Apr 2015

'If 25 black men had been executed illegally in the US in one day, the government would have fallen and the population would have rallied to the victims. In India, those of us who did not applaud the police only yawned,' says Aakar Patel.

Modi agreed with every word Giriraj said

Modi agreed with every word Giriraj said

Rediff.com6 Apr 2015

'Modi deliberately chose such unhinged people because they said what he wanted to, but couldn't,' says Aakar Patel.

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